Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

A little later than planned :) I wanted to get to blogging by the 1st and continue it through the entire year .... but you all know me! That just won't work :)

We've been very busy around here getting life back in order from the holidays. Philip's work schedule is finally back to normal ... or as normal as it can be! Ethan has started back at his schooling and I'm back to working on design.

The other day, my husband brought me "just because" roses :) Those are the best!


Kate ... oh, sweet kate ... can be quite the little monkey. She climbed up into the boys closet and got stuck. I came in and couldn't stop laughing ... then, of course, I had to run and get my camera! I know now that laughing wasn't the best thing to do in this situation ... the next day she did it again!
Please excuse this messy closet ... I've been in the middle of organizing their room for the last few days .... this was day 1!


Kate and I locked ourselves in her room for an hour while the boys played in their room with legos. It's rare that I have one-on-one time with the kids so this was a special treat for the two of us.
We played princesses and mommies and dress up

I look forward to seeing what will become of 2010!